FAQ Section

  • Where is shipping available?

    - I've been shipping my product world wide, as long as you have a valid shipping address, I can send you whatever you order.

  • How long does shipping take?

    - The amount of time it takes to receive my digital products(dumps and tracks) is between 20 minutes and 2 hours depending on the time of day and week. The time it takes to receive my physical products varies. Regular shipping will take 3 to 7 business days depending on where you are ordering from and the express shipping will take 1 to 3 days also depending on where you are ordering from.

  • How discrete is your shipping/packaging and will it pass though customs?

    - I've successfully shipped orders to the US, Mexico, Canada, many European countries, throughout Africa, South America, Australia and Asia. So yes I have discrete packaging and yes customs won't be an issue if you're ordering from me.

  • Is Bitcoin the only form of payment you accept?

    - Yes, it's secure and anonymous. I won't accept WU, moneygram, Paypal, etc. etc. only Bitcoin.

  • Is there express shipping available?

    - Yes, the price of it varies depending on your location and the size of your order. Just ask me about it if you're interested

  • Can my name be put on any of the cards I order?

    - Yes, I can print/emboss(depending on the card) your name on the cards if you want it on there. Otherwise if you don't want your name on it, I'll just leave it with no name.

  • Do I have to take any precautions while using the cards?

    - I send a personalized in depth guide with your first order that tells you how to effectivly and safely use my product, if you follow it to the T you won't have anything you need to worry about.

  • Can i just buy the card data?

    - Yes, ask me about it and i'll give you the details.